Policies and standards at Trusted Sources

At Trusted Sources, we are committed to delivering accurate, unbiased, and high-quality news that serves the public interest. We prioritize transparency, integrity, and accountability in all our reporting to maintain the trust of our readers. Below are our editorial policies and guidelines:

Table of Contents

  1. Diversity Policy
  2. Editorial Standards and Ethics
  3. Hate Speech and Bullying
  4. Safety and Inappropriate Content
  5. Copyright
  6. Verification and Fact-Checking Policy
  7. Unnamed Sources Policy
  8. Corrections Policy
  9. Actionable Feedback Policy

Diversity Policy

Trusted Sources is an impartial news organization that aims to act in the public’s interest. We strive to provide content that educates, informs, and entertains without any external influence from governments, political entities, or other organizations. Our independence from outside funding allows us to maintain editorial freedom and integrity. We review our editorial guidelines regularly to ensure we uphold these standards.

Editorial Standards and Ethics

At Trusted Sources, we commit to the highest editorial standards, delivering news that is accurate, fair, and balanced. Our core objective is to operate in the public interest, focusing on stories that are important or of interest to our audience. We are dedicated to maintaining professionalism, exercising sound judgment, and providing thorough analysis. We ensure our reporting reflects a broad range of opinions, avoiding bias or omission of significant viewpoints.

We publish original content designed to inform, educate, and entertain, while avoiding conflicts of interest. If a conflict arises, we disclose it through a disclaimer.

Hate Speech and Bullying

Trusted Sources does not tolerate hate speech or any form of bullying. Our content will not incite hatred or discrimination based on race, ethnicity, religion, disability, age, nationality, veteran status, sexual orientation, gender, or gender identity. We ensure that our reporting does not harass, intimidate, or bully any person.

Safety and Inappropriate Content

Trusted Sources will not publish content that threatens or advocates harm, promotes illegal activities, or infringes on the rights of others. We avoid content that is sexually explicit, graphically violent, or otherwise inappropriate, particularly in contexts accessible to families. We do not publish material that could endanger individuals or communities.


All content on Trusted Sources must respect the intellectual property rights of others. We avoid using any copyrighted material without proper authorization or attribution. We respect privacy rights while balancing the public’s right to information. Any infringement on privacy must be justified by the public interest.

Verification and Fact-Checking Policy

At Trusted Sources, accuracy is paramount. We strive to get all facts right and consider relevant opinions, ensuring clarity and truth in our reporting. Our fact-checking process includes:

  • Using first-hand sources when possible.
  • Verifying all facts, statistics, and claims.
  • Corroborating evidence and identifying any limitations.
  • Distinguishing between fact and rumor and providing proper attribution.

We do not knowingly disseminate false information, whether through disinformation, misinformation, or mal-information.

Unnamed Sources Policy

While Trusted Sources prefers to attribute information to named sources, we may use confidential sources when the information is credible, important to our readers, and could negatively impact the source’s livelihood. We are committed to protecting the identities of confidential sources, in line with legal requirements.

Corrections Policy

If an error is identified in our content, Trusted Sources will correct it promptly. Depending on the error’s severity, a correction may involve a simple edit or an editor’s note explaining the mistake. In cases where the content is fundamentally flawed, we may unpublish the article.

Actionable Feedback Policy

We value feedback from our readers. If you have suggestions, complaints, or compliments, please contact us at [email protected]. We are committed to acknowledging mistakes and continuously improving our practices.