Quick Summary
Vodacom provides two main voicemail services: Visual Voicemail for iPhone users and Voicemail 2 SMS for all other phones. Visual Voicemail allows iPhone users to view and manage their voicemail messages in a list format, making it easy to listen to and organize messages. Voicemail 2 SMS converts voice messages into text messages, allowing users to read their voicemails conveniently. Both services have simple activation processes and offer different benefits depending on your preference for managing voicemails. This guide covers everything you need to know about setting up and using these services.
Voicemail is a crucial feature in modern communication, offering a way to receive and manage messages when you can’t take a call. If you’re a Vodacom user, knowing how to access and listen to your voicemail can save you from missing important messages. Whether you’re using an iPhone or another type of phone, Vodacom provides two main voicemail services: Visual Voicemail and Voicemail 2 SMS.
In this guide, we’ll walk you through the process of accessing and managing your voicemail on Vodacom. From setting up Visual Voicemail on your iPhone to understanding how Voicemail 2 SMS works, we’ll cover everything you need to know to ensure you’re making the most of these services.
Understanding Vodacom Voicemail Services
What is Voicemail?
Voicemail is a telecommunication service that allows callers to leave voice messages when the recipient is unavailable. Instead of a missed call with no follow-up, voicemail lets the caller record a message that’s stored in the recipient’s voicemail box. This feature is especially useful for managing missed calls and ensuring important messages are not lost.
Overview of Vodacom Voicemail Services
Vodacom offers two distinct voicemail services to cater to different user preferences:
- Visual Voicemail: Available for iPhone users, Visual Voicemail provides a graphical interface where you can view your voicemail messages in a list format. It’s similar to managing emails or text messages, making it easy to listen to, delete, or save messages.
- Voicemail 2 SMS: This service converts your voicemail messages into text messages. It’s ideal for those who prefer reading over listening, allowing you to quickly scan and review your voicemails as SMS texts.
How to Use Visual Voicemail on Vodacom
What is Visual Voicemail?
Visual Voicemail is designed to enhance the voicemail experience for iPhone users by providing a visual interface. Instead of dialing into a voicemail system and listening to messages sequentially, you can view and manage your voicemails in a list format. This interface displays messages with timestamps, caller information, and the ability to play, delete, or save messages as you choose.
Benefits of Visual Voicemail:
- Convenience: Quickly access and manage voicemails without navigating through a voice menu.
- Organization: View messages in a list format, making it easier to prioritize and handle them.
- Flexibility: Listen to voicemails in any order and re-listen to specific messages as needed.
Activating Visual Voicemail
To start using Visual Voicemail on your iPhone, follow these steps:
- Send Activation SMS: From your Vodacom number, send an SMS with the text
to 123. - Confirmation: You’ll receive a confirmation message once the service is activated.
If you encounter any issues with activation, ensure your iPhone is connected to the internet and try resending the SMS. For persistent issues, contacting Vodacom customer support may be necessary.
Listening to Voicemail Using Visual Voicemail
Once Visual Voicemail is activated, here’s how you can listen to your voicemails:
- Open the Phone App: Launch the Phone app on your iPhone.
- Tap “Voicemail”: Located at the bottom right corner of the screen.
- View Message List: A list of your voicemails will appear. Each entry includes the caller’s number and timestamp.
- Select a Message: Tap on any message entry to listen. The message will start playing automatically through your iPhone’s speaker unless headphones or Bluetooth devices are connected.
Tips for Managing Voicemails:
- Visual Cues: Use timestamps and caller information to prioritize important messages.
- Re-listen: Take advantage of the option to re-listen to messages if needed.
- Manage Storage: Delete unnecessary messages to free up space on your device.
Example: I remember setting up Visual Voicemail on my iPhone and finding it incredibly convenient. Instead of navigating a voice menu, I could quickly scan through messages and listen to the most important ones first. It made managing my voicemails much more efficient.

How to Use Voicemail 2 SMS on Vodacom
What is Voicemail 2 SMS?
Voicemail 2 SMS is a service provided by Vodacom that converts your voicemail messages into text messages. This service is particularly useful if you prefer reading messages over listening to them. Instead of listening to a voice message, you receive the content as an SMS, allowing you to read and respond at your convenience.
Benefits of Voicemail 2 SMS:
- Convenience: Read voicemails anytime without needing to listen.
- Quick Review: Scan through messages quickly and decide which ones need immediate attention.
- Avoid Callbacks: Sometimes, reading a message is quicker than listening, especially if you’re in a meeting or a quiet place.
Activating Voicemail 2 SMS
To activate Voicemail 2 SMS on your Vodacom number, follow these steps:
- Send Activation SMS: From your Vodacom number, send an SMS with the text
to 123. - Confirmation: You will receive a confirmation message once the service is activated. If you do not receive a confirmation, ensure your SMS is correctly formatted and try sending it again.
Troubleshooting Common Activation Issues:
- Ensure Network Connectivity: Make sure your phone has a stable network connection.
- Correct Number: Verify that you are sending the SMS to the correct number (123).
- Contact Support: If activation fails repeatedly, contact Vodacom customer support for assistance.
Reading Voicemails with Voicemail 2 SMS
Once Voicemail 2 SMS is activated, you’ll start receiving voicemail messages as SMS texts. Here’s how to handle them:
- Check Your SMS Inbox: Voicemail messages will appear as SMS texts in your inbox.
- Read the Message: Open the SMS to read the voicemail content. Messages will include a brief transcript of the voicemail.
- Manage Responses: You can reply directly to the SMS or take note of important information.
Example: I find Voicemail 2 SMS handy when I’m in a noisy environment where listening to voicemails would be challenging. I can quickly read the message and decide if I need to follow up or if it’s something I can address later.
Common Voicemail Questions and Troubleshooting
How Long Are Voicemail Messages Stored?
Voicemail messages on Vodacom are typically stored for up to 7 days. This means any new or saved voicemails will remain accessible in your voicemail box for a week before they are automatically deleted. To avoid losing important messages:
- Regularly Check: Make it a habit to check and manage your voicemails within this timeframe.
- Save Important Messages: Save or forward important voicemails to ensure you don’t lose them.
Can I Listen to Voicemail from Another Phone?
Yes, you can listen to your Vodacom voicemail messages from another phone. Here’s how:
- Dial the Voicemail Access Number: Call 121 followed by the
key (e.g., 121#). - Enter Your PIN: You’ll be prompted to enter your voicemail PIN code.
- Follow Instructions: Follow the instructions provided by the system to access and listen to your voicemails.
Tip: Ensure you have your PIN handy when accessing voicemail from another phone to avoid any access issues.
How Do I Deactivate Voicemail Services?
If you decide to deactivate your voicemail services, follow these steps:
- Visual Voicemail Deactivation:
- Send an SMS with the text
to 123 from your Vodacom number. - You will receive a confirmation message once the service is deactivated.
- Send an SMS with the text
- Voicemail 2 SMS Deactivation:
- Send an SMS with the text
to 123. - A confirmation SMS will be sent to confirm the deactivation.
- Send an SMS with the text
Common Deactivation Issues:
- Incorrect SMS Format: Ensure the SMS text is correctly formatted.
- Check Confirmation: Verify you receive a confirmation message. If not, try sending the SMS again or contact support.
Navigating voicemail services on Vodacom can greatly enhance your communication experience, whether you’re using an iPhone or another type of phone. By understanding and utilizing Vodacom’s voicemail options—Visual Voicemail and Voicemail 2 SMS—you can efficiently manage your messages in a way that best suits your needs.
Visual Voicemail offers a user-friendly interface for iPhone users, allowing you to view and organize messages in a list format. It simplifies the process of listening to, saving, or deleting voicemails. On the other hand, Voicemail 2 SMS provides a text-based alternative that lets you read your voicemails as SMS messages, which can be particularly convenient when you prefer to avoid listening or are in a situation where listening isn’t feasible.
Both services have straightforward activation and usage processes, and with the tips and troubleshooting advice provided, you should be well-equipped to handle your voicemail effectively. Remember to regularly check and manage your voicemails to avoid missing important messages and to ensure your voicemail services are configured according to your preferences.
By following these guidelines, you’ll make the most of Vodacom’s voicemail services, ensuring that you stay connected and informed no matter how busy your day gets.
- Vodacom Voicemail Services
- Voicemail 2 SMS Information
- How to Check Voicemail on Vodacom South Africa
Frequently Asked Questions
How Long Are Voicemail Messages Stored?
Voicemail messages on Vodacom are typically stored for up to 7 days. After this period, they are automatically deleted. To avoid losing important voicemails:
- Check Regularly: Make it a habit to listen to or manage your voicemails within the 7-day window.
- Save Important Messages: Consider saving or forwarding important messages to ensure you don’t lose them.
Can I Listen to Voicemail Messages from Another Phone?
Yes, you can listen to your Vodacom voicemail messages from another phone by following these steps:
- Dial the Voicemail Access Number: Call 121 followed by the
key (e.g., 121#). - Enter Your PIN: You will be prompted to enter your voicemail PIN code.
- Follow Instructions: Follow the on-screen instructions to access and listen to your voicemails.
Tip: Keep your PIN handy when accessing voicemail from another phone to avoid any access issues.
How Do I Deactivate Voicemail Services?
To deactivate your voicemail services, follow these instructions:
- Visual Voicemail:
- Send an SMS with the text
to 123 from your Vodacom number. - You will receive a confirmation message once the service is deactivated.
- Send an SMS with the text
- Voicemail 2 SMS:
- Send an SMS with the text
to 123. - A confirmation SMS will be sent to confirm the deactivation.
- Send an SMS with the text
Common Deactivation Issues:
- Incorrect SMS Format: Ensure the SMS text is correctly formatted.
- Check Confirmation: Verify you receive a confirmation message. If not, try sending the SMS again or contact Vodacom support.
What Should I Do If I Encounter Issues with My Voicemail Service?
If you encounter issues with your voicemail service, try the following:
- Restart Your Phone: Sometimes, a simple restart can resolve temporary issues.
- Check Network Connectivity: Ensure your phone has a stable network connection.
- Verify Settings: Confirm that voicemail services are properly activated and configured.
- Contact Customer Support: If issues persist, contact Vodacom customer support for assistance.
Example: I once had trouble accessing my voicemail messages due to a network issue. Restarting my phone and checking my network connection resolved the problem quickly. For persistent issues, contacting Vodacom support provided me with the necessary assistance to get everything back on track.
Source: Vodacom
Author’s Note
Hello, and thanks for reading through our comprehensive guide on how to use Vodacom’s voicemail services! I hope this article has provided you with clear, actionable information to make managing your voicemail a breeze, whether you’re using Visual Voicemail on an iPhone or Voicemail 2 SMS on any other phone.
Having navigated various voicemail systems myself, I understand how essential it is to have reliable and straightforward tools at your disposal. The goal here is to ensure you can efficiently handle your voicemails, keeping your communication seamless and stress-free.
If you have any additional questions or if there’s anything more you’d like to learn about Vodacom’s services or any other topic, feel free to drop a comment or reach out. Your feedback helps us create more useful and relevant content.
Stay connected, and happy voicemail managing!

Oliver is a full-time writer with a passion for creating compelling content on diverse topics, including finance, business, product reviews, and more. With a keen eye for detail and a commitment to thorough research, she brings clarity and depth to complex subjects, making them accessible and engaging for readers. Oliver’s dedication to her craft ensures that every article is informative, well-researched, and thought-provoking. Outside of writing, she enjoys exploring new ideas, reading extensively, and continually expanding her knowledge.
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