HomeNewsEskom Celebrates 163 Days Without Load Shedding – But Are South Africans...

Eskom Celebrates 163 Days Without Load Shedding – But Are South Africans Really Convinced?

Quick Summary

Eskom’s recent claim of 163 days without load shedding highlights a significant achievement, but it is met with skepticism from many South Africans. While Eskom boasts about improved grid stability and reduced diesel costs, concerns persist about ongoing load reduction practices and rising tariffs. This article delves into the details of Eskom’s accomplishments, the differences between load shedding and load reduction, public reactions, and future plans. You’ll find a thorough exploration of whether Eskom’s measures are genuinely solving South Africa’s energy crisis and practical advice for preparing for future energy challenges.

For many South Africans, load shedding has become a part of daily life—a frustrating reality that affects everything from businesses to family dinners. When Eskom recently announced they had gone 163 days without load shedding, many celebrated this milestone. But not everyone is convinced.

Despite Eskom’s optimism, South Africans took to social media with skepticism. Some questioned whether this was truly an achievement, pointing out that load reduction—a strategy Eskom uses to minimize power demand in specific areas—has replaced load shedding in several regions. The debate between what constitutes “load shedding” versus “load reduction” has left many wondering if Eskom’s claims are just clever wording.

In this article, we’ll dive deep into Eskom’s recent announcement, exploring how the power utility achieved this milestone and whether the public’s concerns about load reduction are justified. Let’s start by unpacking what load shedding is and why Eskom does it.

Understanding Load Shedding: What Is It and Why Does Eskom Do It?

What Is Load Shedding?

Load shedding, simply put, is a last-resort measure used to prevent the national grid from being overwhelmed. It occurs when the demand for electricity exceeds the available supply. To avoid a complete blackout, Eskom temporarily cuts off power to certain areas for a period of time. This controlled blackout helps balance the grid, allowing the system to continue operating, but it often disrupts daily life.

In South Africa, load shedding has become infamous, affecting industries, small businesses, and even students preparing for exams. It was first implemented in 2008 and has continued in phases whenever Eskom struggles to meet power demand. For millions of South Africans, planning around scheduled outages has become routine.

Why Does Eskom Implement Load Shedding?

The reasons behind load shedding are complex, but they can largely be traced back to issues within Eskom itself. Aging infrastructure, poor maintenance, and limited investment in renewable energy are all contributing factors. Furthermore, many of South Africa’s power plants are coal-fired, meaning they rely heavily on finite resources.

Another issue is the strain placed on the grid by population growth and economic expansion. South Africa’s power grid wasn’t built to handle the current demand, and Eskom has struggled to keep up with necessary upgrades.

In recent years, extreme weather conditions have also taken a toll on the country’s energy supply, forcing Eskom to cut power to preserve the integrity of the grid. As a result, load shedding is used as a necessary evil to prevent a total collapse of the system.

Eskom’s 163-Day Load Shedding Break: How Did They Do It?

Eskom’s Strategy for Avoiding Load Shedding in 2023

In April 2023, Eskom announced that they had successfully gone over five months without implementing load shedding. This was an impressive feat, considering South Africa had endured load shedding nearly every winter since 2018. But how did they manage it?

One of the main factors was Eskom’s reduced reliance on diesel for emergency power. In previous years, the utility spent billions on diesel to fuel open-cycle gas turbines, which could quickly generate electricity in times of crisis. However, from April to September 2023, Eskom saved over R12 billion on diesel compared to the same period in 2022.

Additionally, Eskom has been focusing on preventative maintenance for its coal-fired power plants. By addressing maintenance issues before they become critical, they’ve managed to keep the power supply more stable. Another contributing factor is the increasing integration of renewable energy sources, such as wind and solar, into the grid. While still a small portion of the overall energy mix, these alternatives have played a role in reducing the demand for traditional power.

Savings on Diesel and Costs: How Much Did Eskom Save?

One of the more tangible benefits Eskom touted was the financial savings. By reducing their reliance on diesel for power generation, they reported saving billions. Between April and September 2023 alone, Eskom saved R12 billion on diesel. For comparison, during the same period in 2022, Eskom’s diesel usage was so high that it significantly impacted the country’s fuel reserves.

These savings could be reinvested in infrastructure upgrades, renewable energy projects, or better maintenance of existing power plants, which is critical for reducing future reliance on load shedding. Yet, many South Africans remain skeptical about whether these savings will truly lead to long-term benefits.

Load Shedding vs. Load Reduction: What’s the Difference?

Load Reduction Explained

Although Eskom claims to have avoided load shedding for 163 days, many South Africans believe they are playing a game of semantics. Instead of load shedding, Eskom has implemented load reduction, a practice where power is cut off in areas with high electricity usage or illegal connections.

Load reduction is targeted, often affecting townships and rural areas where the infrastructure is not equipped to handle the demand. It’s designed to prevent damage to the grid and avoid the need for nationwide blackouts. However, many citizens argue that load reduction is simply load shedding by another name.

Are Load Shedding and Load Reduction Just Two Sides of the Same Coin?

Public perception is crucial here. For many, there’s little difference between having your power cut off due to load shedding or load reduction. Both lead to the same result: sitting in the dark. Social media is filled with comments from frustrated citizens accusing Eskom of trying to cover up the ongoing energy crisis by using different terminology.

A user on Twitter remarked, “Load reduction is load shedding. Eskom is just trying to make themselves look good.” Many others echoed the sentiment, pointing out that while Eskom may not be implementing widespread load shedding, they’re still leaving many areas without power.

Whether Eskom calls it load shedding or load reduction, the outcome is the same for those affected. The frustration is growing, and it’s clear that Eskom still has a long way to go to regain the public’s trust.

Public Reaction: Why Are South Africans Calling Eskom Out?

Despite Eskom’s announcement of a 163-day streak without load shedding, many South Africans are skeptical. Social media has become a platform for frustrated citizens to voice their concerns, and the feedback has been overwhelmingly negative.

One major source of dissatisfaction stems from the load reduction strategy, which many feel is just a rebranded form of load shedding. As one Twitter user pointed out, “Don’t lie. Load reduction is load shedding.” Others have echoed similar sentiments, claiming that while Eskom boasts about reduced diesel usage and a stable power grid, many communities are still left in the dark for hours due to load reduction measures.

South Africans have also questioned whether Eskom’s statements are simply a PR move to make the power utility look competent. One social media post read, “Load shedding is only suspended because poor areas are being subjected to load reduction.” This sense of injustice—where certain areas bear the brunt of power cuts—has only deepened public mistrust.

Distrust in Eskom’s Transparency

The skepticism towards Eskom isn’t just limited to semantics. Over the years, the public has witnessed multiple power crises, empty promises, and mounting tariffs, which have led to a deep-seated distrust of the utility. Many feel that Eskom’s celebration of 163 days without load shedding is misleading and ignores the day-to-day struggles that people still face.

Moreover, the public’s frustration is compounded by the lack of clarity in Eskom’s messaging. While they proudly announce progress, many citizens still feel as if they are being left in the dark—both figuratively and literally. The inconsistency between official statements and the lived experience of citizens has made it difficult for people to believe that real progress is being made.

Eskom’s Future Plans: What Lies Ahead for South Africa’s Energy Supply?

Looking ahead, Eskom faces several challenges in stabilizing South Africa’s power grid. The utility has outlined several initiatives aimed at addressing both short-term and long-term energy supply issues.

Expanding Renewable Energy

One of Eskom’s key focuses is on integrating more renewable energy sources, such as wind, solar, and hydropower, into the national grid. While coal-powered plants still make up the majority of South Africa’s electricity generation, renewable sources are seen as a long-term solution to the country’s energy problems.

Eskom has committed to gradually decommissioning older coal plants, but the transition to a more sustainable energy mix is expected to take years. For now, coal will remain the primary power source, but the hope is that renewable energy will reduce the frequency of load shedding and decrease the country’s carbon footprint.

Infrastructure Upgrades and Maintenance

To prevent future breakdowns and outages, Eskom is also investing in infrastructure upgrades. Many of the power plants currently in operation are old and have not received the necessary maintenance over the years. Eskom’s plan includes routine, preventative maintenance, which is crucial to avoiding unexpected breakdowns that could lead to more load shedding.

Additionally, Eskom plans to enhance the transmission network to ensure more reliable delivery of electricity across the country. These upgrades are vital for minimizing future disruptions and supporting the growing demand for electricity.

Eskom’s Proposed Tariff Increase: What Does It Mean for Consumers?

While Eskom is taking steps to stabilize the grid, many South Africans are concerned about the proposed 40% tariff increase in regions like Midvaal. The utility has requested a substantial increase in electricity prices, which has sparked backlash from both citizens and local governments.

How Will the Tariff Hike Impact Consumers?

If approved, the tariff hike would lead to significantly higher electricity bills for many households. Midvaal residents have been particularly vocal, with the mayor warning that the increase could have a devastating effect on consumers. Many fear that the price hike will disproportionately affect low-income households, making it harder for people to afford basic electricity.

In response to the proposal, there have been widespread calls for Eskom to address its inefficiencies and high operating costs before passing the burden onto consumers. Public sentiment indicates that many people believe Eskom’s financial troubles are due to poor management, and raising tariffs is seen as a quick fix that doesn’t address the root of the problem.

Consumer Reactions

Reactions to the proposed increase have ranged from concern to outright anger. Many feel that Eskom should be more transparent about how the funds will be used and whether they will genuinely lead to improvements in the energy supply. Public trust is low, and any significant change in tariffs is likely to face resistance unless Eskom can clearly demonstrate how it will benefit consumers in the long run.

How Can South Africans Prepare for Future Energy Challenges?

Given the uncertainties surrounding Eskom’s future and the national power grid, South Africans are looking for ways to prepare for potential energy challenges.

Investing in Alternative Energy Sources

Many homeowners and businesses are turning to solar power and battery storage solutions to reduce their reliance on Eskom. Solar energy, in particular, has become more accessible in recent years, with many companies offering installation packages for homes and small businesses. While the initial cost can be high, solar power offers long-term savings and protection against load shedding.

Energy-Efficient Appliances

Another way for South Africans to prepare for future energy challenges is by investing in energy-efficient appliances. Devices like LED lighting, smart thermostats, and low-energy refrigerators can help reduce overall electricity usage. This not only helps lower bills but also eases the strain on the national grid.

Staying Informed

It’s also important for consumers to stay informed about Eskom’s load shedding schedules and power grid updates. Eskom regularly updates its website and social media channels with information about upcoming outages, so planning around them can help minimize disruptions.

Final Thoughts: Is Eskom Really Solving South Africa’s Energy Crisis?

Eskom’s claim of 163 days without load shedding is certainly a milestone, but it’s not without controversy. On one hand, the savings in diesel costs and the improvements in maintenance are tangible signs of progress. But on the other hand, the public’s frustration with load reduction and rising tariffs indicates that the road ahead is still full of challenges.

South Africa’s energy crisis is far from over. While Eskom has made some strides, much of the public remains unconvinced that these changes will lead to long-term stability. The country’s reliance on coal, aging infrastructure, and slow adoption of renewable energy are significant hurdles that Eskom will need to address in the coming years.


Eskom’s announcement of 163 days without load shedding is a significant achievement, but it’s clear that not everyone is ready to celebrate. The ongoing debate between load shedding and load reduction, combined with concerns over rising tariffs, reflects the complexity of South Africa’s energy crisis.

As the nation continues to face energy challenges, Eskom will need to work hard to regain public trust. By investing in renewable energy, upgrading infrastructure, and finding more efficient ways to manage the grid, the power utility can hopefully lead South Africa towards a more stable and reliable energy future.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is load shedding, and why does Eskom do it?

Load shedding is a controlled process where electricity supply is intentionally reduced to avoid overloading the grid. Eskom implements load shedding to prevent the entire power system from collapsing when electricity demand exceeds supply. This happens due to a combination of aging infrastructure, maintenance issues, and limited generation capacity.

What is the difference between load shedding and load reduction?

While load shedding affects the entire country or large areas, load reduction targets specific communities with high electricity theft or non-payment issues. In load reduction, Eskom cuts off power in these areas to reduce overall demand and avoid network overload. Many South Africans view load reduction as another form of load shedding.

Why are South Africans skeptical about Eskom’s claim of 163 days without load shedding?

Many South Africans are critical of Eskom’s claim because, although there hasn’t been load shedding, load reduction has continued in certain areas. Citizens feel that this undermines Eskom’s achievement, as communities are still experiencing power outages, albeit under a different name.

What has Eskom done to achieve 163 days without load shedding?

Eskom has implemented better maintenance schedules, improved its infrastructure, and saved billions of rands in diesel costs by reducing the use of backup generators. These measures have helped stabilize the grid and prevent load shedding for 163 days.

What is Eskom’s proposed tariff increase, and how will it affect consumers?

Eskom has proposed a 40% tariff increase for certain areas like Midvaal, which would significantly raise electricity costs for residents. Many consumers are concerned that this increase will make electricity unaffordable, particularly for low-income households, and will not necessarily lead to improvements in power reliability.

How can South Africans prepare for future energy challenges?

South Africans can prepare by investing in solar power, battery storage solutions, and energy-efficient appliances. Additionally, staying informed about load shedding schedules and conserving electricity during peak times can help manage disruptions.

Is Eskom moving towards renewable energy?

Yes, Eskom has committed to expanding its use of renewable energy sources like solar, wind, and hydropower. However, the transition from coal to renewables will take time, as the country still heavily relies on coal-powered plants for electricity generation.

Will Eskom’s improvements put an end to load shedding for good?

While Eskom’s recent improvements have reduced load shedding, there’s no guarantee that it will be permanently eliminated. The utility still faces significant challenges, including aging infrastructure and high demand, which means load shedding could return if these issues aren’t resolved in the long term.

Author’s Note

As someone deeply invested in understanding and addressing South Africa’s ongoing energy challenges, I have meticulously researched and analyzed Eskom’s recent announcements and the broader implications for the country. This blog post aims to provide a comprehensive look at Eskom’s claim of 163 days without load shedding, the public’s reaction, and what this means for South Africa’s energy future. My goal is to present an objective and well-rounded perspective, drawing on various sources and expert opinions to offer valuable insights and help you navigate the complexities of South Africa’s energy landscape.

Oliver is a full-time writer with a passion for creating compelling content on diverse topics, including finance, business, product reviews, and more. With a keen eye for detail and a commitment to thorough research, she brings clarity and depth to complex subjects, making them accessible and engaging for readers. Oliver’s dedication to her craft ensures that every article is informative, well-researched, and thought-provoking. Outside of writing, she enjoys exploring new ideas, reading extensively, and continually expanding her knowledge.

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