HomeNewsPrince Kaybee Reacts to White SA Kid Being Racist to TikTokker Seeno

Prince Kaybee Reacts to White SA Kid Being Racist to TikTokker Seeno

Quick Summary

In this viral incident, a Dominican Republic TikTokker named Seeno was subjected to racist slurs by a group of young white South African kids, sparking widespread outrage on social media. Prince Kaybee, a renowned South African DJ, reacted to the incident by condemning the racist behavior and pointing out the role of parenting in shaping children’s views on race. This incident has raised important conversations about racism, social media’s influence, and the role of parents in teaching tolerance to the next generation.


The internet was recently set ablaze by a disturbing video involving a group of white South African kids making racist remarks toward a TikTok creator known as Seeno. As the video spread across social media platforms, it not only sparked outrage but also highlighted the ongoing issue of racism, particularly among young people. South African music producer and DJ, Prince Kaybee, became one of the prominent voices reacting to the viral video. In his response, he pointed to a much deeper societal problem by stating, “Parents teach them young.”

This reaction has fueled discussions about the roots of racism and the role of parenting in shaping children’s beliefs. Prince Kaybee’s comments bring attention to how racism is often passed down through generations, making this incident a sobering reminder of the work that still needs to be done. But what exactly happened in the video, and why did it resonate so deeply with people, especially public figures like Prince Kaybee?

Overview of the Viral Incident Involving Seeno and Racist Remarks

Who is TikTokker Seeno?

Seeno is a Dominican Republic TikTok creator who has gained a large following on the platform for his engaging and entertaining content. Known for his comedic skits and lively personality, Seeno attracts viewers from around the world. However, his identity as a person of color has also made him a target for racially motivated attacks, particularly in this recent incident.

What Happened in the Viral Video?

In the now-viral clip, a group of white South African children can be seen hurling racist slurs, including the highly offensive K-word, toward Seeno. The children also made disturbing threats, saying they would “shoot” and “kill” him if he were nearby. This racial slur, deeply rooted in South Africa’s apartheid history, is considered one of the most derogatory terms in the country.

The video quickly spread across social media, including platforms like Twitter, Instagram, and TikTok, drawing sharp criticism from viewers worldwide. Many were appalled not only by the children’s words but by the implication that they had likely learned such hateful language and behaviors at home.

The incident shined a spotlight on the continued presence of racism in South Africa, even among younger generations. The fact that children were involved made it all the more troubling, raising important questions about the role of education and parenting in shaping societal values.

Prince Kaybee’s Reaction to the Racist Incident

Prince Kaybee’s Tweet: “Parents Teach Them Young”

Prince Kaybee, a renowned South African house music producer, expressed his dismay over the video by sharing his thoughts on Twitter. His message was both direct and powerful: “Why would a white kid be racist? Their parents teach them young.” This single tweet resonated with many, bringing attention to the idea that children often absorb the prejudices of the adults around them.

His comment emphasized the influence of parents in shaping their children’s worldviews, particularly when it comes to issues of race and discrimination. The statement sparked conversations about how deeply ingrained racism can be and how it often starts within the home.

Prince Kaybee’s response was retweeted and shared widely, with many netizens agreeing with his point of view. It raised a critical issue: if parents do not consciously teach their children about inclusivity and equality, societal biases are likely to persist.

Public Figures Reacting to Racism in South Africa

Prince Kaybee wasn’t alone in expressing outrage. Several South African public figures and influencers also took to social media to denounce the children’s racist behavior. Many called for accountability and expressed their disappointment in seeing such behaviors perpetuated by young people.

Public figures often have a significant influence, and their reactions help amplify conversations about important social issues. Their voices encourage broader discussions, not just among their followers but also within communities struggling with similar issues.

The Role of Parenting in Shaping Children’s Beliefs About Race

Prince Kaybee’s Stand on Parenting and Racism

Prince Kaybee’s tweet hit on an essential point: “Parents teach them young.” This speaks volumes about the responsibility parents have in teaching their children how to treat others. From an early age, children look to their parents and caregivers to model behaviors and attitudes, including how they should interact with people from different races.

The influence of parents in this context is immense. Children often mimic the attitudes and language they hear at home. This means that if parents exhibit racist behaviors or use discriminatory language, their children are likely to adopt those same attitudes.

Real-life Examples of Racism Passed Down Through Generations

Unfortunately, this kind of behavior isn’t new. Throughout history, we’ve seen how racism is passed down from generation to generation. For instance, families who were raised during the apartheid era in South Africa may unknowingly pass on prejudices to their children. Even if the country has made strides toward equality, the remnants of past racial tensions still persist in many households.

A stark example of this generational transfer can be seen in the lingering effects of apartheid. During this time, racial segregation and white supremacy were not only enforced by law but were also normalized in many households. While apartheid ended in the early ’90s, the beliefs and values that supported it haven’t completely disappeared, often being unconsciously passed on to younger generations.

Can Parenting Break the Cycle of Racism?

So, how can we stop this cycle? It starts with education. Parents need to be aware of their influence on their children’s racial attitudes. Teaching inclusivity, diversity, and respect for all races at a young age is crucial to breaking down long-standing barriers of prejudice.

Here are a few practical ways parents can help foster anti-racist behaviors in their children:

  • Lead by example: Parents should actively model inclusive behaviors, making sure to treat everyone equally regardless of their race.
  • Encourage open conversations: Creating a safe space where children can ask questions about race and racism helps them understand the importance of equality.
  • Expose children to diverse environments: The more children interact with people of different races, the more likely they are to view diversity as a strength, rather than something to fear.

Racism is a learned behavior, but the good news is that inclusivity and tolerance can also be taught.

Social Media’s Role in Amplifying Racism and Anti-Racism Movements

How Social Media Magnifies Incidents of Racism

Social media platforms, particularly Twitter, TikTok, and Instagram, have become powerful tools for both spreading and combating hate. The video of the white South African kids hurling racial slurs at TikTokker Seeno gained momentum quickly thanks to the viral nature of these platforms. Within hours, millions of people had seen the clip, sparking outrage not just in South Africa but globally. This level of visibility can escalate issues that may have gone unnoticed in the past.

However, while social media can amplify hate speech and racism, it can also be a tool for raising awareness and holding individuals accountable. When incidents like these are brought to light, they provide an opportunity for public discourse, education, and reflection.

Amplifying Anti-Racism Movements

On the flip side, social media has played a significant role in amplifying anti-racism movements around the world. Platforms like Twitter allow users to share educational resources, highlight injustices, and rally communities to take action against racism. Hashtags like #BlackLivesMatter and #SayNoToRacism have trended multiple times, sparking global conversations about racial equality.

For instance, the viral spread of George Floyd’s murder in 2020 galvanized the world into action, leading to protests, policy changes, and greater awareness of systemic racism. Similarly, the incident involving Seeno has pushed conversations about the persistence of racism in South Africa, particularly among younger generations.

Social media, when used responsibly, can become a tool for positive social change. It gives a platform to marginalized voices and exposes injustices that might otherwise remain hidden.

Racism in South Africa: A Deeper Issue

Historical Context of Racism in South Africa

To fully understand incidents like the one involving Seeno, it’s essential to consider the deep-rooted history of racism in South Africa. The country’s apartheid era (1948-1994) was marked by racial segregation, white supremacy, and systemic discrimination against Black South Africans and people of color. Although apartheid officially ended in 1994, the effects of this dark period are still felt today.

The apartheid regime enforced a strict racial hierarchy, which created vast disparities in wealth, education, and opportunities between white and Black South Africans. Even after the fall of apartheid, racial tensions and inequalities have persisted. Many white South Africans continue to hold onto old prejudices, and incidents of racism, like the one involving Seeno, serve as a reminder that South Africa still has work to do in healing from its past.

Modern-Day Racism in South Africa

Although South Africa has made great strides toward racial equality, racism remains a pervasive issue, affecting areas such as employment, education, and everyday interactions. Incidents of racial violence and hate speech are not uncommon, and this problem extends to children, as we saw in the viral video.

Part of the challenge lies in addressing the structural inequalities that still exist in post-apartheid South Africa. Educational reforms, economic equity, and better social integration are all crucial steps toward addressing the root causes of racism.

What Can Be Done to Combat Racism in Children?

Education is Key

One of the most effective ways to combat racism in children is through education. Children are naturally curious and open-minded, but they often absorb the attitudes and beliefs of those around them. Schools, therefore, play a vital role in shaping the next generation’s understanding of race, diversity, and equality.

Incorporating anti-racist education into school curriculums can teach children about the harm caused by discrimination and the value of diversity. Schools can also implement programs that foster intercultural understanding, which can help break down racial barriers.

Conversations at Home

As Prince Kaybee pointed out in his response to the viral incident, parents are often a child’s first teachers when it comes to race. Parents who proactively engage in open conversations about race can help prevent their children from adopting prejudices. Discussing diversity, exposing children to different cultures, and explaining the history of racism are all ways that parents can nurture empathy and understanding.

Encouraging Diverse Friendships

One of the simplest but most effective ways to combat racism in children is by encouraging them to develop friendships with children from diverse backgrounds. When children interact with peers from different races, they are more likely to see them as equals rather than ‘others.’ This type of social integration can have a profound impact on how they view race and diversity as they grow older.

Prince Kaybee’s Role in Social Activism

More Than a Musician: Prince Kaybee’s Influence

Though best known for his music, Prince Kaybee has consistently used his platform to speak out on social issues. From gender-based violence to inequality, he has shown a deep commitment to creating a more just society. His response to the viral video of Seeno being subjected to racist abuse is just the latest example of his involvement in social activism.

By leveraging his influence as a public figure, Prince Kaybee helps amplify voices calling for social justice. His words carry weight, not just because of his celebrity status, but because he speaks from a place of conviction.

Social Media as a Tool for Advocacy

Prince Kaybee is part of a larger trend of artists and celebrities using social media to advocate for change. The accessibility and reach of platforms like Twitter allow public figures to communicate directly with their audiences, bypassing traditional media channels. This democratization of voice means that more people can participate in important conversations about social issues like racism, inequality, and justice.

His involvement in the Seeno incident reminds us that celebrities can use their influence for more than entertainment. They can be powerful advocates for social change.

Conclusion: What We Can Learn from This Incident

The viral incident involving Seeno and the racist remarks made by a group of white South African children is a stark reminder that racism remains an issue, even among younger generations. But it’s also a call to action—an opportunity to reflect on the roles we all play in either perpetuating or combating racism.

Prince Kaybee’s reaction to the video highlighted an uncomfortable truth: racism is often learned at home. As parents, educators, and members of society, it’s our responsibility to teach the next generation to embrace inclusivity, empathy, and respect for all people, regardless of race.

Social media has the power to amplify both hate and hope. As we’ve seen with this incident, the same platforms that spread racist rhetoric can also fuel important conversations about anti-racism, justice, and equality. The lesson here is clear: we must remain vigilant in educating, speaking out, and taking action to ensure that incidents like this don’t continue to happen.

This incident also underscores the need for stronger anti-racist education in schools and homes, so children grow up understanding the value of diversity and the dangers of discrimination. In a world that is becoming increasingly connected, the importance of teaching the next generation to respect and celebrate differences cannot be overstated.

Frequently Asked Questions

What happened in the viral video involving TikTokker Seeno?

In the video, young white South African kids are seen making racist remarks towards Seeno, a Dominican Republic TikTokker. They use racial slurs, including the K-word, and even threaten violence.

How did Prince Kaybee react to the incident?

Prince Kaybee condemned the racist behavior in a tweet, stating that children often learn such attitudes from their parents. He highlighted the responsibility of parents in teaching their children about racism.

What role does social media play in amplifying such incidents?

Social media platforms like Twitter and TikTok quickly spread the video, leading to a global outcry. While these platforms can amplify hate speech, they can also be used to promote anti-racism movements and spark important conversations about social justice.

Is racism still a significant issue in South Africa?

Yes, despite the end of apartheid, racism remains a persistent problem in South Africa. Incidents like this reflect the lingering effects of racial prejudice in the country.

How can we combat racism in children?

Education is key, both at home and in schools. Open conversations about race, exposure to diverse cultures, and teaching empathy are essential steps in combating racism in children.

Author’s Note

This article aims to shine a light on a concerning issue while encouraging dialogue and understanding about racism and social responsibility. As a writer deeply committed to social justice, I believe it’s crucial to amplify stories that challenge harmful stereotypes and encourage positive social change. This piece draws on a variety of perspectives and aims to provide a comprehensive look at the complexities of racism, particularly how it manifests in younger generations.

Feel free to engage with this content by sharing your thoughts or furthering the conversation in your community. Let’s continue working towards a more inclusive and understanding world.

Oliver is a full-time writer with a passion for creating compelling content on diverse topics, including finance, business, product reviews, and more. With a keen eye for detail and a commitment to thorough research, she brings clarity and depth to complex subjects, making them accessible and engaging for readers. Oliver’s dedication to her craft ensures that every article is informative, well-researched, and thought-provoking. Outside of writing, she enjoys exploring new ideas, reading extensively, and continually expanding her knowledge.

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